
Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The Glorifying Of Shitty Character Traits

What we have here in the year 2013, I have come to realize, is a global pandemic of arseholes in each and every nook and cranny of this world. I am sure it did not just happen overnight. It had been left to cultivate over the years, fester, infect others around it and slowly but surely BANG! Turned the population into a massive hoard of loud-mouthed, easily-offended pricks.

Take the ones that say things like 'I say it as it is. I don't mince my words. I am a bitch and that is my prerogative.' or whatever garbage along those lines. Yes, honesty is always the best policy. Not when your main purpose is to stir things up with your shit-stick though, Love. However cliché this phrase has since become, you should really keep that gob shut if you have nothing nice to say. Clearly, defecating on other people's metaphorical Mardi Gras is your sole purpose in this life. Whatever these online self-help gurus are telling you, stop paying attention. People are being told to not be a pushover, to not take shit and always stand up for themselves and what is happening is now they are morphing into these lot of people who sees EVERYTHING being said to them as a criticism that needs to be shot down by their persons with cuntish behaviour. Everything is a personal attack, every giggle is aimed at their incompetence, every sigh is an insult at their incapability to understand the simplest of things and every explanation is to undermine their intelligence. If it is then you need to back the fuck away from that vicious, toxic group of hyenas you have been hanging out with during your free time. Maybe it is, maybe you are imagining things. If so, you have too much free time and you should pick up crochet. Make a granny square blanket. It is not that bad. Not everyone is out to get you.

Some of these 'Hard Bitches' will say, in a drunken stupor most likely, that they just want to be loved and that they are 'Waiting for someone to break down that wall and see them for the loveable person they are inside'. What? What does that even mean!? Fuck off. Stop quoting nineties boyband songs. It makes me just want to switch on an electric hand mixer on medium speed in their mouths. Stop behaving like such a cunt then. If for a week you behave like this fountain of gooey Swiss chocolate you claim to be inside then maybe you have a shot at getting laid and hopefully be good enough to land someone that knows where your fucking g-spot is. Take my potential-Coke head of a neighbour for example. He yells at every fucking thing and everyone. He just needs someone to give him head. I am quite certain of that. I'm guessing tossing off to Babe Station every single night is aggravating him and he just wants a blow job without having to pay for it.  No one will willingly look for a long-term partner in a aggressive person with a million psychological issues. Not unless they are one of those gluttons for punishment and that is another different blog entry altogether.

People who treat their partners like doormats because they are the alpha one. Why is that all right? Why is that something that gains admiration? Why is it suddenly acceptable to dick your partners about simply because you are the keeper of the Almighty Vagina? Stop treating people like shit. Feminism started to put a stop to domestic violence, not for you to treat your men like fucking eunuchs. I have no idea what other women are telling their sons but once mine is able to comprehend something more than 'Leave the bloody cupboards alone, Child' I will be telling him to stay away from those that makes him question his worth as a person. This goes for both genders, obviously.

Moody idiots. No, they are not dark and mysterious. They are fucking draining. They drain the life out of me through my anus. Nothing mysterious about the fact that they cannot see joy in life and secretly they enjoy people bending to their will just to make them smile. Self-absorbed. Nothing mystical about them whatsoever. Even Anne Rice's vampires have more joy pouring out of their ethereal, albeit fictional bodies.

Fuck off and play on your own then. 

You see what I mean? Why are shitty character traits being glorified with endless memes and epilepsy-inducing .gifs of shit quality?

Why feel the need to piss on everyone's day every few minutes when you can store it all up and air your grievances once a year and make it rain metaphorical blood? It's all about stage presence.

YOU, the rest of the world's population made this happen. You made it an acceptable norm to live with volatile idiots with no basic courtesy.

Spay and neuter the Mardi Gras Defecator in your circle of friends.

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